
  • Tuesday, March 01, 2016 8:15 AM | Webmaster BHM (Administrator)

    Beaufort, SC  - March 1, 2016 - The bark of officers mustering troops for review.  The resounding clack of marching boots. Crackling fires. Bubbling cook pots. Mail call.  These are just a sample of the sights and sounds that will accompany Union troops as they occupy Beaufort at a Living History Encampment presented by the Beaufort History Museum.

                 The 50th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment, Union forces that occupied Beaufort in 1862 during the Civil War, will be brought to life by more than 30 re-enactors, who will stage the encampment in the Arsenal Courtyard, March 11-13. A complete schedule of the weekend’s many entertaining events and demonstrations is available on the Museum website at Admission is free.

                The encampment will provide a fascinating look at everyday life in Beaufort that followed in the wake of the Battle of Port Royal (November, 1861), when Confederate forces were rapidly defeated, local residents fled, and Union troops moved in. The re-enactors, who are coming from as far away as New England and Pennsylvania, will camp out in the Arsenal’s walled courtyard space, dividing into a “4 corners” focus.   On display will be Brigade Headquarters, a commissary and Army Sutlers (traveling tradesmen who supplied the troops); infantry life and equipment; Northern Missionaries and Abolitionists; Freedmen; and the 1st South Carolina Regiment, which was comprised of soldiers of African American descent.

                Activities will include cooking over open fires, an infantry drill, a class in session at a Freedmen school, a march through town to a bay-front park, and a visit to the National Cemetery for a wreath laying ceremony.  Prominent historians Stephen R. Wise and Lawrence S. Rowland, authors of Rebellion, Reconstruction, and Redemption, 1861-1893, will be at a book signing at the Beaufort Public Library Saturday morning, March 12.

                “This is truly an exciting time for the Museum because the Living History Encampment offers us an opportunity to experience much of life as it was in Beaufort during an important time in our history,” said BHM Board President, Carol Lauvray. “It helps us tell the story of the early days of the Reconstruction era here, which began during the Civil War. We are very grateful to encampment organizer Daniel Gidick of Charleston and to our partners, Penn Center and the Beaufort Pubic Library, for their efforts in creating this educational event.”

    “The Living History Encampment also serves as a exciting way to preview our upcoming Special Exhibit on Reconstruction in Beaufort, opening in June when the Museum will participate in the South Carolina Humanities Festival with many other arts, cultural and historic organizations throughout Beaufort County. BHM’s Reconstruction Exhibit will be on display at the Museum for at least one year, so those who live in and visit Beaufort can experience it firsthand.”

                Beaufort History Museum has evolved to focus specifically on the history of the Beaufort District. It strives to manage and display artifacts and documents held by the City of Beaufort, telling the compelling stories of this area from the early 16th Century until modern times.  Docent classes are conducted on an ongoing basis.

    For information on becoming a Docent, contact Lorrie Burleyknoles at or (559) 362-3237.

    The Arsenal address is 713 Craven Street. BHM’s hours of operation are 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM Monday – Saturday. Docents are on duty to provide information and conduct tours. A donation of $5.00 per visitor ($4.00 for Seniors) is required.  Children and active military are admitted free of charge.  Please visit the website or BHM’s Facebook page for updates and news from the Museum.

    SIDEBAR:    If you go:

    Living History Encampment

    Date:              March 11-13, 2016

    Site:                Beaufort History Museum

                            The Arsenal

                            713 Craven Street

                            Beaufort, SC

    Schedule of Events:


    ·       2 – 5 PM Arrival of event re-enactors

    ·       Setting up of camp with "4 corners" focus: 1) Brigade HQ, commissary & Army Sutlers; 2) infantry life & equipment, 3) Northern Missionaries & Abolitionists, 4) Freedmen & the 1st South Carolina Regiment of African descent

    ·       Ongoing demonstrations at each of the stations


    ·       7:30 AM Breakfast Call - oatmeal & molasses  

    ·       8:00 AM Camp opens to the public 

    ·       9:00 – 11:00 AM – Book signing by Stephen Wise & Lawrence Rowland at the Beaufort Public Library

    ·       9:30 AM Infantry Drill - Facings and Manual of Arms 

    ·       11:00 AM Freedmen School session

    ·       Noon Dinner Call - Rice, peas, bacon & collards 

    ·       12:30 PM Mail Call - letters and boxes from home

    ·       1:30 PM Inspection of Infantry Company followed by a brief march down Scott Street to the park on Bay St. in the Point

    ·       3:00 PM Freedmen School session

    ·       4:00 PM Infantry Drill

    ·       5:30 PM Visit to the Beaufort National Cemetery for a brief wreath laying ceremony; camp closes to the public.


    ·       7:00 AM Breakfast Call

    ·       8:00 AM Camp opens to the public; Cleaning of barracks

    ·       9:00 AM Infantry Drill

    ·       9:30 AM Freedman school

    ·       10:00 AM Dismissal of formation

    ·       11:00 AM Arsenal closes to the public

    Admission:             Free   (Donations accepted)

    Presented by:        Beaufort History Museum             

    Partners:               Beaufort Public Library

                                   Penn Center

  • Tuesday, February 16, 2016 10:20 AM | Webmaster BHM (Administrator)

    The Beaufort History Museum held it’s annual meeting on Tuesday, January 26, at the museum’s main hall. Nearly fifty museum members and guests attended.

    Board President Carol Lauvray presided over the meeting.  She reported on the progress the Museum has made over the past year, citing the growth in membership, the dramatic increase in the number of visitors and many successful new exhibits and events presented during the fall of 2015, including the popular Hoodoo exhibit and Pat Conroy’s 70th Birthday celebration.

     “We are extremely grateful to our Docents, volunteers and members, who have participated with great enthusiasm and energy.  Our Docents are the lifeblood of the Museum and have volunteered more than 2,000 hours of their time to welcome and educate visitors over the past year.  I’d also like to thank our Board of Directors, who are providing excellent leadership and contributing their diverse talents and many hours of time to help the Museum reach it’s goals.” Lauvray said. 

    She also provided a preview of events that will take place at the Museum in the coming months.  Featured are:

    ·      March 11 – 13, 2016: A weekend-long Living History Encampment in the Arsenal Courtyard, featuring re-enactors portraying a Union Army company from Pennsylvania stationed in Beaufort during the Civil War, as well as freed men and women, abolitionists, missionaries and tradesmen.  “We are excited about presenting this interactive educational event and pleased that the Beaufort County Library, Penn Center and Historic Beaufort Foundation are partnering with us to make this period of history come to life over the weekend,” Lauvray said.

    ·      May 3, 2016: The second annual Beaufort History Museum Tea: The Fundraiser will feature local historic re-enactor Kim Poovy and for the second year will be held at the Dataw Island Club.

    ·      June 10 – 11, 2016: The South Carolina Humanities Festival, showcasing Beaufort County’s culture, arts, and history. The Museum plans to unveil an important new exhibit on the Reconstruction Period in Beaufort, which began early during the Civil War.

    Among the other business conducted at the annual meeting, four members were elected to the Board of Directors: Andrea Allen, Steve Guida, Stuart Heath and Larry Koolkin. Guida, Heath and Koolkin were previously appointed to the BHM Board to fill vacant Board positions with unexpired terms. Andrea Allen, who is a Licensed Master Social Worker and recently retired from Coastal Empire Community Mental Health Center, has served on the Boards for a variety of nonprofit and for profit organizations, and fills a newly open position on the Museum’s Board. In addition, Beaufort native Major General (retired) H. L. “Mitch” Mitchell and Ingrid Owens, Director of History, Arts and Culture at Penn Center, Inc., were recently appointed to fulfill unexpired Museum Board Member terms.

    Following the Museum’s annual meeting many of the members and guests left the Arsenal and walked the short distance to the Beaufort Inn to extend the convivial spirit of the event and to enjoy a delicious prearranged dinner.

    The Beaufort History Museum has evolved to focus specifically on the history of the Beaufort District.     It strives to manage and display artifacts and documents held by the City of Beaufort, telling the compelling stories of this area from the early 16thCentury until modern times.  Docent classes are conducted on an ongoing basis.


  • Wednesday, January 27, 2016 1:58 PM | Webmaster BHM (Administrator)

    Good evening, I’m Carol Lauvray, Board President of Beaufort History Museum, and it’s my pleasure to welcome all of you to this Annual Meeting and to share with you the Museum’s accomplishments over the past year and the exciting events and exhibits planned for 2016.


    2015 was a pivotal year for Beaufort History Museum:

    • It marked the first full year of operations in the Arsenal since the Museum moved back after a long absence. 2015 also marked a dramatic increase in the number of visitors to the Museum and in resulting revenues, which our treasurer Steve Guida will discuss shortly. During 2015, 3,360 people visited the Museum at the Arsenal, coming from as far away as Switzerland, Tasmania, Brazil and South Africa.
    • Over the past year, our Docent Education staff conducted 3 sets of training classes for 15 new Docents, who lead tours of the Museum. Currently, the Museum has 34 Docents who volunteered 2,000 hours of their time to welcome and educate visitors during 2015. 
    • In September, to fill positions that became vacant during the year, the Board appointed four additional Board members—Norm Campbell, Steve Guida, Stuart Heath and Larry Koolkin. Shortly, you’ll be voting on a slate of Board members that includes Steve, Stuart and Larry to begin new, 3-year terms on the Board.
    • In addition, the Board has nominated Andrea Allen to become a new member of the BHM Board. She is nominated to fill the seat on the Board that is opening because Jeff Kidd’s 3-year term has ended. On behalf of everyone at Beaufort History Museum, I’d like to thank Jeff for his service on the Board. Earlier this month, the Board also appointed General Mitch Mitchell to fill an unexpired term on the BHM Board. I’d like to welcome Norm, Steve, Stuart, Larry, Andrea and Mitch to the Board of Directors and acknowledge Jeff for his work on the Board. Would all of you please stand to be recognized.
    • During 2015, the Museum produced a number of successful, high-profile special events and exhibits that promoted BHM within the community and drew new members:
      • The Museum’s first temporary exhibit at the Arsenal, “What They Wore: Fashion and Finery of the Victorian and Edwardian Eras” opened at the beginning of May with a Sunday afternoon party featuring historic re-enactors in period clothing.
      • BHM’s first Annual Victorian Tea at Dataw Island Club was held on May 12th and was a resounding success with 150 guests attending and which resulted in adding many new Museum members.
      • In September, the Museum partnered with Santa Elena Foundation to welcome to the Arsenal, Spanish Count Alvaro Armada, the descendant of Pedro Menendez de Aviles.
      • An exciting exhibit “Doctuh Buzzard’s Hoodoo Awakening,” sponsored by The Beaufort Gazette and The Island Packet, opened at the beginning of October with an evening preview party, with nearly 100 guests attending.
      • On October 31st, the Museum celebrated Pat Conroy’s 70th Birthday in style in the Arsenal Courtyard with 350 guests on hand to wish Beaufort’s own celebrity author a “Happy Birthday.”
      • In late November, our current exhibit, “A Place Called Home” opened, featuring striking photographs of St. Helena Island and Beaufort as they were over a hundred years ago and through the mid-20th century. It reflects the life-long work of Sonny Bishop and his daughter, Elizabeth Bishop Later.
    • During 2015, the Museum was awarded a total of $17,500.00 in Accommodations Tax money to fund the development of a new Reconstruction exhibit and to enhance its website.
    • The last half of the year saw significant revamping of the Museum’s electronic infrastructure and administrative processes to improve efficiency and reduce expenses.
    • In December, we welcomed our new, part-time administrative assistant, Katja Burnett. As an added bonus, Katja is a professional graphic designer and is assisting with the creation of the Museum’s new website!
    • Throughout the year, the Museum has been developing ongoing partnerships with many Beaufort County organizations to advance our respective missions. These include: the City of Beaufort, the Beaufort county Historical Society, the Beaufort County Library, FirstShore, the Friends of Fort Fremont, Historic Beaufort Foundation, Penn Center and Santa Elena Foundation.
    • During 2015, the Museum produced a number of successful, high-profile special events and exhibits that promoted BHM within the community and drew new members:

    All of the Museum’s 2015 accomplishments, events, and exhibits were made possible only through the thousands of hours that our dedicated Docents and Board members volunteered to Beaufort History Museum last year.

    Now I’d like to give you just a brief overview of some of the exciting things planned for 2016 at Beaufort History Museum:

    • February will see the launch of our new website developed on a membership management platform. The new website will be easier to navigate and display on mobile devices and will allow us to better manage the Museum’s membership, events and reservations. Larry Koolkin will be telling you a bit more about that in a few minutes.
    • On March 11th – 13th, the Museum will host a weekend-long living history encampment in the Arsenal Courtyard, featuring re-enactors who will portray: a Union Army company from Pennsylvania that was stationed in Beaufort during the Civil War; freed men and women; abolitionists; and missionaries. To plan the weekend’s educational events, the Museum is partnering with the Beaufort District Collection of the Beaufort County Library, Penn Center, and Historic Beaufort Foundation.
    • The Museum also will be participating in a Spring Tour of historic sites and organizations the last week of April in celebration of the 450th anniversary of Santa Elena’s founding and the grand opening of the Santa Elena History Center in the former courthouse on Bay Street.
    • On May 3rd, the second annual Beaufort History Museum Tea will again be held at the Dataw Island Club.
    • On June 10th – 11th,  the Museum will participate in The South Carolina Humanities Festival, which will showcase Beaufort County’s culture, arts, and history. We plan to unveil a new exhibit on the Reconstruction Period in Beaufort to coincide with the Festival. Larry Koolkin, our Board member who chairs the Exhibits Committee will be saying a few words about plans for the Reconstruction exhibit.

    As volunteers and members of Beaufort History Museum, everyone in this room shares a common bond—our passion for the deep, rich history of Beaufort, and for telling the story of how all American history began right here, to paraphrase USCB Professor Emeritus, Dr. Lawrence Rowland.

    I’d like to thank you all for being here tonight to celebrate how far Beaufort History Museum has come and to look forward to all that’s in store for the Museum in the coming year. As I close, I’d like to ask all of our Docents and Board Members—both past and present—here this evening to stand to be recognized for your contributions to the Museum! Thank you!

    Respectfully submitted by

    Carol Lauvray,

    Beaufort History Museum Board President

  • Wednesday, January 06, 2016 9:33 AM | Webmaster BHM (Administrator)

                Beaufort, SC – January 5, 2016 - Museum members and the public are invited to attend the Annual Meeting of the Beaufort History Museum (BHM) on Tuesday, January 26, 2016 at 6:00 PM in the museum’s main hall on the second floor of The Arsenal, located at 713 Craven St.

    At the meeting, milestones of the past year will be celebrated and plans for 2016 will be revealed. Current museum members will also vote on a slate of new Board of Directors candidates, which will have been presented to them in advance via email.

    Board President, Carol Lauvray announced the meeting and also provided a preview of events that will take place at the Museum in the coming months.  Included are:

    ·      March 11 – 13, 2016: A weekend-long living history encampment in the Arsenal Courtyard, featuring re-enactors portraying: a Union Army company from Pennsylvania stationed in Beaufort during the Civil War; freed men and women; abolitionists; and missionaries.

    ·      May 3, 2016: The second annual Beaufort History Museum Tea, a fundraiser, to be held at the Dataw Island Club.

    ·      June 10 – 11, 2016: The South Carolina Humanities Festival, showcasing Beaufort County’s culture, arts, and history. The Museum plans to unveil a new exhibit on the Reconstruction Period in Beaufort.

    Dinner at Southern Graces Bistro in the Beaufort Inn

    Following the annual meeting, a dinner will be held at 7:00 PM at Southern Graces Bistro in the Beaufort Inn at 809 Port Republic St.  Selections include Fried Green Tomato Canapé; Signature Popovers; choice of Shrimp Fettuccine or Wine Roasted Chicken and a Trio of Mini Desserts.  The price is  $25.00 per person. Complimentary wine provided by the Museum will be served with dinner. Reservations can be made by clicking here. The first 50 dinner reservations submitted will be accommodated. The deadline for making reservations for the dinner is Monday, January 18.

    Those who wish to renew their museum memberships or to become new members, may do so at the meeting or via the museum’s website.

    The Beaufort History Museum, which was founded in 1939, has evolved to focus specifically on the deep and rich history of the Beaufort District.  It strives to manage and display artifacts and documents held by the City of Beaufort, telling the compelling stories of this area from the early 16th Century until modern times.  

  • Monday, December 14, 2015 4:10 PM | Webmaster BHM (Administrator)

    Training to Begin January 20

    Beaufort, SC – December 14, 2015 - The Beaufort History Museum (BHM) is recruiting theWinter, 2016 class of volunteer docents to lead tours and serve as community liaisons. BHM Docent Educator Lorrie Burleyknoles announced the new class sessions.

    “The training curriculum will cover all aspects of history relating to Beaufort. Our educators will provide docents with knowledge of the museum’s collections, history and mission,” she said. “Once docents have completed the training process, which consists of five classes, they will be asked to serve approximately four shifts per month and will commit to a one-year period of service to the museum.”

    Docent Training schedule:

    • Wednesday, January 20 - Information session - 9:00 AM to be followed immediately by Class One from 9:30 AM – 11:00 AM
    • Class Two: Wednesday, January 27 - 9: AM - 11:30 AM
    • Class Three: Wednesday, February 3 - 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM
    • Class Four: Wednesday, February 10 - 9:30 AM-11: 30 AM
    • Class Five: Wednesday, February 24 - 9:30 AM -11:30 AM
    • Makeup Session: Wednesday, March 2 - 9:30 AM -11:30 AM

    All sessions will be held at The Beaufort History Museum, which is located in The Arsenal at 713 Craven Street in Beaufort’s historic district. For more information on the docent program, or other volunteer opportunities with the museum, contact Lorrie Burleyknoles at

    The Beaufort History Museum has evolved to focus specifically on the deep and rich history of the Beaufort District. It strives to manage and display artifacts and documents held by the City of Beaufort, telling the compelling stories of this area from the early 16th Century until modern times. Through community engagement, children’s programs, educational opportunities and social events the Museum provides many services to visitors and local residents. To contact the Museum call 843.379.3079 or

  • Tuesday, December 01, 2015 2:29 PM | Webmaster BHM (Administrator)

    The Beaufort History Museum announces a new exhibit comprised of striking, evocative photographs of St. Helena Island and the Beaufort area which portray the historic sea islands as they were over a hundred years ago and through much of the early to mid-20th Century. The exhibit, titled “A Place Called Home,” and based on a book of the same name, features the work of lifelong St. Helena Island residents and authors Sonny Bishop and his daughter, Elizabeth Bishop Later. It tells a story of growth, change, adversity, and the meaning of “home”.

    The book opens with the authors offering a glimpse of the special part of the Lowcountry where they grew up. “On a warm, humid, late summer evening, with a gentle southerly sea breeze from Wallace Creek protecting us from the mosquitoes, my father takes me on a little tour of “home”. Once the Robert Fuller Plantation, also called Fuller Place, and later called the Yard Farm (in Gullah – “de Ya’ad”), there is important history here that I want to capture.” And so begins this intimate retrospective. Although the book is replete with personal tales of growing up on St. Helena Island, the images selected from his huge collection of photographs provide incomparable visual impact.

    “This is an exhibit of photos that Sonny Bishop has taken and collected on St. Helena and the surrounding area throughout much of the 20th Century, along with text written by his daughter, Elizabeth Bishop Later,” said BHM Board Member Katherine Lang. “ This exhibit will resonate with those who remember when the economy in this area was mainly agricultural. Among other things, it will give people a chance to see Dataw Island before it was developed, to learn about the development of truck farming that was so important to the economy of Beaufort and to know the terror and destruction wrought by Hurricane Gracie, which roared across the area in 1959.”

    “A Place Called Home” will run through at least January 31. 

  • Tuesday, November 03, 2015 3:54 PM | Webmaster BHM (Administrator)
    Sallie and Jackie Robinson with Pat Conroy (center).

    Acclaimed author Pat Conroy celebrated his 70th birthday in rousing style with well-wishers coming from as far away as Pennsylvania and Sweden to join in the revelry. A festive birthday bash, hosted by the Beaufort History Museum on Halloween night in the courtyard of the historic Arsenal, attracted more than 350 guests who feasted on delectable Lowcountry fare, sipped wine, nibbled birthday cake, enjoyed live music and mixed and mingled in the beautifully decorated space.

    The event was part of a three-day festival that featured panel discussions and book signings with Conroy and various authors and family members.

    “We couldn’t have wished for a more perfect way to help Pat celebrate his birthday,” said museum board member Katherine Lang, who helped organize the event. “We were thrilled and honored to be able to participate in the three-day ‘Pat Conroy at 70 Festival’ with this party in his honor.”

    The birthday boy clearly savored the chance to reunite with family, old friends, former students and colleagues as he welcomed them, posing for pictures, recalling the good times they had shared and meeting his many admirers.  His enthusiasm and warmth set the tone for a memorable evening.

    Among the highlights of the party the birthday cake itself was a huge hit with partygoers, who were amazed that it was an exact replica of a shrimp boat, complete with Conroy’s birthdate and named “Miss Lila” after the character of his mother in his novel, The Prince of Tides. It sat on a tray surrounded by handcrafted white chocolate shrimp and oysters.  The cake, a creation of the Smith and Feil families of Charleston, was sponsored by Halo Restaurant (Charleston) and Spartina 449 of Daufuskie Island.

    Another favorite was a quilt, created by Conroy’s sister, Kathy Harvey.  It was a birthday present commemorating milestones and memories of his first 70 years.

    Rowland Washington, owner of Wings n’ Tings cooked up the Lowcountry dishes served at the party.  The band, Horizon, provided the smooth jazz music for the evening.

    Among the notable friends, family and colleagues who attended were Sallie Robinson  (author of a Gullah cookbook); Mina Truong  (Conroy’s business partner and trainer); Jan Nordby Gretlund  (who came all the way from Sweden); Marly Roussoff and Michael Radulescu  (she is Conroy’s literary agent); Jonathan Haupt (director at USC Press); Scott Graber (classmate at The Citadel); Bernie Schein (novelist and Conroy’s best friend); actor Michael O’Keefe (who played Ben Meechum, a character based on Conroy, in the film The Great Santini) ; novelists Mark Powell and Valerie Sayers, and Story River Books authors Ellen Malphrus, John Warley,  John Lane, Mark Powell, Maggie Schein and Maggie’s husband and illustrator, Johnathan Hannah.

    The Beaufort History Museum has evolved to focus specifically on the deep and rich history of the Beaufort District, which originally included Jasper County, as well.  It strives to manage and display artifacts and documents held by the City of Beaufort, telling the compelling stories of this area from the early 16th Century until modern times. Through community engagement, children’s programs, educational opportunities and social events, the Museum provides many services to visitors and local residents. The next series of Docent Training classes will be announced soon. To contact the Museum: call 843-379-3079, direct email to or

    Actor Michael O’Keefe and author Pat Conroy pose together during an event Oct. 31, 2015, to celebrate Conroy's 70th birthday. O'Keefe played Ben Meechum, a character based on Conroy, in the 1979 movie

    Quilt made by Kathy Harvey (pictured), Pat Conroy’s sister, with help from Brenda Wagoner

     Fred and Martha Feil, Wesley, Bryan, Lynn and Maggie Smith pose with the birthday cake for author Pat Conroy's birthday event, Oct. 31, 2015.


  • Thursday, October 08, 2015 4:00 PM | Webmaster BHM (Administrator)

    The Beaufort History Museum (BHM) is recruiting the Fall 2015 class of volunteer docents to lead tours and serve as community liaisons. BHM Docent Educator Lorrie Burleyknoles announced the new class sessions.

    “The training curriculum will cover all aspects of history relating to Beaufort. Our educators will provide docents with knowledge of the museum’s collections, history and mission,” she said. “Once docents have completed the training process, which consists of five classes, they will be asked to serve approximately four shifts per month and will commit to a one-year period of service to the museum.”

    Docent Training schedule:

    Wednesday, October14 – Information session – 9:00 AM to be followed immediately by Class One from 9:30 AM – 11:00 AM
    Class Two: Wednesday, October 21 – 9: AM – 11:30 AM
    Class Three: Wednesday, October 28 – 9:30 AM – 11:30 AM
    Class Four: Thursday, November 4 – 9:30 AM-11: 30 AM
    Class Five: Thursday, November 12 – 9:30 AM -11:30 AM
    Makeup Session: Wednesday, November 18 – 9:30 AM -11:30 AM

    All sessions will be held at The Beaufort History Museum, which is located in The Arsenal at 713 Craven Street in Beaufort’s historic district. For more information on the docent program, or other volunteer opportunities with the museum, contact Lorrie Burleyknoles at

    The Beaufort History Museum has evolved to focus specifically on the deep and rich history of the Beaufort District. It strives to manage and display artifacts and documents held by the City of Beaufort, telling the compelling stories of this area from the early 16th Century until modern times. Through community engagement, children’s programs, educational opportunities and social events the Museum provides many services to visitors and local residents. To contact the Museum call 843.379.3079 or

  • Thursday, October 08, 2015 3:56 PM | Webmaster BHM (Administrator)

    Celebration Planned for October 31


    • Saturday, October 31

    • 7:30 PM – 10:00 PM

    • The Beaufort History Museum in the Arsenal Courtyard

    • 713 Craven Street

    • Tickets are $30 /members; $35/non-members (space is limited)

    • Purchase tickets at

    • For information call: 843-379-3079

    Pat Conroy is turning 70 and the Beaufort History Museum is preparing to celebrate the milestone with a festive birthday party on Saturday evening, October 31, beginning at 7:30PM in the courtyard at the Arsenal. The event will feature live music, a delicious lowcountry feast with beer and wine and, of course, birthday cake.

    “Pat Conroy is a local literary treasure who has eloquently expressed his love for his hometown and the lowcountry in his critically acclaimed novels and memoirs,” said Katherine Lang, a Board member who was instrumental in bringing the party to the Museum. “Now we want to show him that we love him back!”

    The event is open to the public but space is limited and those wishing to attend are advised to register early. Tickets, priced at $30 for Museum members and $35 for non-members, are on sale now at

    The Beaufort History Museum, located in The Arsenal at 713 Craven St., has evolved to focus specifically on the deep and rich history of the Beaufort District, which originally included Jasper County as well. It strives to manage and display artifacts and documents held by the City of Beaufort, telling the compelling stories of this area from the early 16th Century until modern times. Through community engagement, children’s programs, educational opportunities and social events, the Museum provides many services to visitors and local residents. The next series of Docent Training classes will begin Wednesday, October 14. To contact the Museum: call 843.379.3079, direct email to

  • Friday, September 11, 2015 4:02 PM | Webmaster BHM (Administrator)

    Beaufort, SC – August 28, 2015 – The Beaufort History Museum is planning for a very busy fall season as it prepares to welcome a Spanish Count who is related to one of the area’s earliest settlers, open a stunning Hoodoo exhibit, host a 70 th birthday party for literary legend Pat Conroy and add four new directors to the BHM Board.  Here is how the events will unfold:

    • September 11 – 1:00 PM – In cooperation with the Santa Elena Foundation the Museum will welcome Alvaro Armada, a Spanish Count and descendent of Pedro Menendez de Aviles, Santa Elena founder. A “meet and greet” will take place in the Museum hall on the second floor of the Arsenal. The public is invited.
    • October 1 – 5:30 PM – Opening party with music and refreshments in the Museum courtyard to launch the Hoodoo Exhibit, “Doctuh Buzzard’s Hoodoo Awakening”.  Rumor has it that “Doctuh” Buzzard himself (a.k.a. Andy Tate) will make a live appearance.  Many Hoodoo items including Hoodoo Dolls, Chicken Foot Charms and a large array of Blue Root Elixir Bottles will be available for purchase. Tickets will go on sale September 15 on the Museum’s website. Prices are $5 for members and $10 for the general public.
    • October 1 – 31 – The Hoodoo Exhibit, presented by the Beaufort History Museum and sponsored by The Beaufort Gazette and The Island Packet, is an imaginative creation by artists Bernice and Andy Tate. Brought by slaves from West Africa to South Carolina’s plantations, Hoodoo is a blending of Christianity, herb medicine and the supernatural, making for spellbinding stories of Boo Hags, Conjure Women and Root Doctors, who believe that they can use unseen forces of nature to manipulate people and objects throughout the world.  Fascinating artifacts and displays will bring the Hoodoo mystique to life and illuminate its profound influence in the everyday life and culture among the descendants of slaves in the Lowcountry.
    • October 31 – Pat Conroy’s 70th Birthday Party – 7:30 PM in the Arsenal courtyard.  The Museum is excited to host a party honoring a literary legend.  The event will feature live music, a delicious Lowcountry feast with beer and wine and of course, birthday cake.  Tickets are $30 for Museum members and $35 for non-members and will go on sale October 1 on the Museum’s website. “This will be an exciting time for the Museum,” said Carol Lauvray, Presiding BHM Board Officer.  “As we grow and strive to fulfill our mission, to tell the story of the Beaufort District in an engaging and educational manner, we know that the diverse talents of the individuals on our Board will be utilized to the fullest. We are fortunate to be adding four accomplished new members, bringing the total on our Board to 12.”

    Recently elected to the BHM Board of Directors are:

    • Norm Campbell is a retired Naval officer and aerospace industry engineer, who has lived all over the world and has cultivated his love of history over a lifetime. He also is a member of Historic Beaufort Foundation, the Friends of Hunting Island, the Veterans of Foreign Wars, and Disabled American Veterans.
    • Steve Guida, a native of South Carolina, is a retired medical device industry executive who had a successful career in senior marketing and general management positions in various Fortune 500 and venture-backed companies. He is a Certified Tax Counselor and Site Coordinator of the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program/Beaufort. He also is Treasurer of the nonprofit organization, the Friends of Fort Fremont.
    • Mary Stuart Heath is a retired educator who taught for 30 years.  She is now an active volunteer and fundraiser for several Beaufort nonprofit organizations, including the Auldbrass 2015 Tour sponsored by the Beaufort County Open Land Trust; the Beaufort Memorial Hospital Valentine Ball; and Historic Beaufort Foundation. She also supports the Friends of Fort Fremont.
    • Larry Koolkin has broad experience and success in applied information technology, finance, international business, and museums. He is Co-Chairman of the Building and Exhibits Committee at Santa Elena Foundation, where he is responsible for managing exhibition planning and development. He also is a Board Member of the Beaufort County Historic Preservation Review Board.

    The Beaufort History Museum, located in The Arsenal at 713 Craven St., has evolved to focus specifically on the deep and rich history of the Beaufort District, which originally included Jasper County as well.     It strives to manage and display artifacts and documents held by the City of Beaufort, telling the compelling stories of this area from the early 16th Century until modern times. Through community engagement, children’s programs, educational opportunities and social events, the Museum provides many services to visitors and local residents. The next series of Docent Training classes will be announced soon. To contact the Museum: call 843.379.3079, direct email or visit

Our mission is to preserve, portray, and promote the experiences of our past that influence us now and in the future.

The Beaufort History Museum is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. 713 Craven Street, Beaufort, SC 29902. Mailing Address: PO Box 172, Beaufort, SC 29901 

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